as in: Why, dear god... Why!?

Gitlab CI phpcs optimization

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At my company we use Gitlab CI and for most projects we use phpcs to scan our codebase. The stage might take more time then is necessary because it’s scanning all files instead of just the ones that have changed. Because of this we are now using the following line to make it a lot faster (the slowest part is spinning up the ....

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Logging sensor data with firebase

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So I was looking for a way to log things like temperature, atmospheric pressure, humidity and other things for my Particle Photons. There are a couple of them in my home and it would be nice to log data and be able to visialize it later on. I was able to use the Particle cloud templates to get data saved to firebase by send ....

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My band without vocals and programming

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A couple of years ago I joined a starting band Mazu as a drummer. It’s been a lot of fun writing music with this band because it does not have vocals. The downside of being in an instrumental band is that people whatching you play will start talking to eachother because they have nothing to keep them distracted for longer t ....

tags: stoner-visuals music
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Puzzle solver

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So I was looking for a simple project to finish in a couple of hours. And Icame across something that interested me. How can you solve a kind of crossword puzzle with one vertical word (the goal) and as many horizontal words to fill in the whole veritcal word. It took some playing around with the GUI because as an editor (o ....

tags: code-challenge
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